Friday, February 12, 2010

I've heard of Miller Time, but...

This wasn't even a typo or anything. It was just a really, really unfortunate juxtaposition. The news layout person here at The Greatest Newspaper in the Northwest™ can't see the ads on the screen, so she had no idea what was next to the headline. Fortunately, the realtor (whose face I've intentionally blurred) has a good sense of humor.

It reminds me of a time years ago, when we still ran our own presses, and we got a furious phone call from the owner of a restaurant. He had placed an ad for experienced cooks and was unhappy with the result. Seems back in the press room, a speck of dust had fallen on the plate and turned the second "o" into a "c." That the ad also said "References required" didn't help. That guy didn't have a sense of humor. But then, who could blame him with the calls he was probably getting?

1 comment:

Brian G said...

The Spokesman-Review ran an from a financial services company showing a barren wasteland and saying that this was your future/retirement if you didn't come see them. It ran either above or below a story on Hanford so it looked like an accompanying photo. When I proofread for Harmon Publications, I heard people used to write "paste idiot's photo in here" and then the photo wouldn't get placed. "Customer VERY upset." But the all-time great is one: