Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Prayer request

It's for Emily this time. Her brother (called simply J) is colossally screwed up, and she's getting to the point that she can't take him anymore. (At that, she's a better sibling than I would be; I doubt that I could have lasted this long.) Read her rant (language alert) and see if you don't hurt for her situation.

So I'm tossing out a prayer request: strength and grace for Emily, and that J gets his manure together before he runs out of family members to alienate. Anyone who prays, please do so any way you can. I don't do it often, but I'm bringing in reinforcements on this one. (Sorry, Pilgrim!)

St. Germaine, friend of abused children, pray for Emily, that her strength might be renewed, that her kindness might not be exhausted, and that she might last long enough to see her brother return the love she's shown him.

St. Jude, champion of hopeless causes, pray for J, that he might experience healing in his soul, that he might learn remorse for the wrongs he's done, and that he might be pulled from the destructive cycle that escalates in him daily. It looks impossible to us, but nothing is impossible for God, and you've been granted tougher miracles than this.

And Holy Mother, pray for them both. Amen.

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