Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The collective vileness of the human race just diminished slightly

Kenneth Parnell, the pervert notorious for kidnapping Steven Stayner, has died of natural causes. Probably the only natural act the vermin ever committed in his life. The havoc he wreaked on so many lives just for the sake of slaking his revolting thirsts is still having a ripple effect. I've always thought it was horribly unfair that Parnell outlived Steven. I wonder sometimes what ever happened to little Timmy White. He'd be what, 33 now? (In fact, I have a pretty good idea where he is, through the miracle of the Internet. But he's best left alone.)

Unlike my buddy Ken, I can't actually wish for his damnation. That's forbidden for Christians. But on the slim chance that he died repentant and shriven, I still hope he ends up at the far end of Heaven from anyplace I might someday go.

We have a copy of the Mike Echols book about the Stayner kidnapping, and we've had several of our kids read it. The details it recounts are loathesome, but I recommend it for steering them away from strangers both physical and online.

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