Thursday, September 29, 2005

Good sense from Greg

Greg Krehbiel over at Crowhill has a refreshingly sensible take on the Vatican's anticipated statement on homosexual seminarians. (Must resist vulgar double entendre... must... resist...)

First, it’s about time! Where do you begin commenting on the stupidity of allowing this problem to go on for so long?

I once saw a show where some guy claimed that God has to have a sense of humor because He made the donkey. I think the modern version of that is that God has to have a sense of humor because He made the church. One, holy, Catholic, apostolic, and often dumber than a mud fence...

I’ve heard estimates that from 10 to 50 percent of seminarians and priests are gay. Of course I haven’t the foggiest idea — having (1) no way to measure such things, and (2) too weak a stomach to read up on the issue. But just for laughs let’s say it’s 10 percent. Can the church afford to lose 10 percent of its priest candidates?

Yes, it can! Remember the story of Gideon’s army? It’d be better to have five priests in the whole country than to allow this foolishness to continue any longer. Maybe we’ll only be able to hear mass once a year in football stadiums, but it’s a price worth paying.

Go read the whole thing.

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