Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I feel sick

This story from the Greatest Newspaper in the Northwest™ was bad enough to read, but today I overheard an element to the story that the story doesn't mention. (Which means the information is hearsay, so don't write to the paper or anything. I don't want to get dooced.)

The witnesses who called the police were female employees and patrons at a beauty salon. But nearby, there's another business (no details needed) with a male workforce who apparently stood and watched and did nothing.

Let me say that again: They stood there and watched a guy beat his girlfriend to death. Not one of them lifted a hand to stop him.

Oh. My. Sweet. Lord.

What in the name of the great gaudy golden gonads of Goliath is wrong with these pseudo-men?

I'm ashamed.

Revised Update: Yep, the guys at the other business have said they witnessed the scene. And other "men" saw when it started. And nobody stepped in. What a pack of eunuchs.

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