Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Larry Flynt is a gentleman

How often do you get to use a sentence like that? But even the Duke of Degeneracy can find kind words for Jerry Falwell.

Not so most of the left. The only liberal I've seen who could post about Falwell without foaming at the mouth is my Reverend Auntie, who can find it in her heart not to hope he's roasting in hell (which she doesn't believe in, anyway). She's a kind sort of person, though, who can see good in anybody. Confederate Yankee had a pretty good roundup of what the rest of the leftosphere has to say.

I also notice that in my ten years of watching the AP wire come in, Falwell is the first well-known person for whom they haven't done an obituary. I can't believe that's a coincidence. They did a series of them for Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin, but Falwell apparently is below the salt for them.

(Woops! Gotta amend that last part a little bit. There's a PDF graphic with a timeline listing every stupid or reviled thing he said, that's being sent out under the name "obit." No actual story, just a list of ways in which he offended people.)

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