Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Everybody set?

Got your torches and axe handles ready to go? Then let the lynching begin!

Bear in mind, this man has been accused of no crime. He was enticed by his accusers into carrying out a legal but readily distortable act on his own time, using equipment that may or may not have been exclusively for work-related use. His accuser is a newspaper owned by the same people that West failed to procure a sweetheart deal for, and the investigation began immediately after that occurred. Almost all the information the media have had on this case has come from that same newspaper, and West gets drowned out whenever he tries to respond.

So vote away, Spokane! Vote Jim West out and vote for the continued undiluted power of the Cowles Family over Spokane. After all, if they own the city, and control its information, shouldn't they also decide who runs it?

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