Wednesday, November 16, 2005

New Jersey: Don't look in the trunk

A slogan survey for New Joursey's tourism industry (they have one? Who knew?) brought in some cute ones:
"New Jersey: You Got a Problem With That?"

"NJ: How You Doin'?!"

And "Most of Our Elected Officials Have Not Been Indicted."

How about

"New Jersey: These boots were made for sinkin' "

"New Jersey: The stem of the Big Apple"

"New Jersey: Ellis Island is really ours"

And if McGreevey were still governor:
"New Jersey: Greetings from Ass-hunter Park!" (with apologies to the Boss)

If they really want to play up a strong point, though, their best bet might be
"New Jersey: The Garden of Eden!"

A/T to It Comes in Pints?.

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