Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A day in the life of an internet junkie

Vulgar, depressing and hilarious. At the end of the day I can say that at least I'm not this bad.
7:00 – Wake up, turn on computer, use the bathroom, shower, get ready for work.
8:30 – turn off computer, hug and kiss the monitor and say, “I’ll be seeing you later!” Leave for work.
11:00 – Hit up eBay, try and find an image of the Virgin Mary in a pile of dried vomit some drunken college kid left on the floor from a party the night before. No luck
12:00 – Lunch time! Respond to my personal emails while eating a sandwich and check each one of my email accounts again. 50 new emails, all junk.
12:45 – Step outside for a brief moment, I have to squint my eyes since it’s the first time I’ve seen the sun this month. Run back inside in fear of getting burned alive.
2:30 – Search for random video clips, laugh my ass off at the idiots out there. Someone somewhere is being videotaped getting gravely injured so we can all laugh at them while they sit in the hospital for weeks. Thank You!

Go read the whole thing, if you don't mind the ribaldry. H/T to A Welsh View.

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