Saturday, July 02, 2005

What the heck, Heck?

That's Montgomery County, Ohio Prosecutor Matthias Heck, Jr., of whom I'd never heard until he eighty-sixed one of his assistant prosecutors over a post on his private blog. I don't know all the details, as all I have is Lance's description of what happened, and that's intentionally vague. However, I don't see anything in his post that violated any confidene, or that undermined his employer directly; all I see is that he deplores some unnamed decision by his superiors that he considers cowardly. Apparently, Matt "honi-soit-qui-mal-y-pense" Heck saw more in the post than the blogosphere did, and canned him.

What this tells me is that private speech which names no names and compromises no professional canon is nonetheless subject to censorship by any tinhorn tyrant that has enough brains to sign a paycheck. The result, I suspect, is going to be that Heck ends up having to explain himself to the media - the mainstream media, not us pajamahadeen - exactly what the cowardly act is that has Lance's BVD's in a knot. Otherwise, the world outside Dayton, Ohio might never have known, let alone given a rat's patoot.

I'm inclined to agree with one supporter's e-mail: Heck is going to be sorry as hell he opened this can of worms.

Oh, and an A/T to Dawn Eden for getting this out in the open.

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